It's Epistemology! | KOLEJ TUN DR. ISMAIL
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It's Epistemology!

September 30, 2020, Serdang - BIOREM Laboratory in INTROP has organized a virtual Epistemology course on Zoom platform. A total of 54 participants participated in this course. They came from a wide range of educational and employment backgrounds, and are also part of the international community.

Dr. Jean-Marc Roda has presented this course with the aim of making the concept of brevity and simplicity as a general guide for researchers. This course aims to provide exposure to students and researchers in general on the concept of brevity and simplicity in conducting research. This concept is explained by the history of proof of theory and concept by scientists since prehistoric times. This concept is very important to be practiced and highlighted in competing with researchers internationally.

At the end of this course, there is a sharing session by students who have experience working and conducting research with Dr Jean Marc Roda. They shared on how this concept of brevity and simplicity was very much emphasized by him throughout his international research activities.

This webinar video can be viewed at

Date of Input: 07/10/2020 | Updated: 07/10/2020 | norfaryanti


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